Saturday, August 26, 2023

Resuming Posting. 26 Aug 23.

 I haven't been posting for a while.  It's been a challenging summer, and I can't do everything I once did.

I hope that continuing to post is a sign of resilience and hope for the future.

Gardening is as important as it ever was.  Good for health, mental health, emotional health, nutrition, outlook, community, and the environment.

1 comment:

  1. Yes we all get to the point that gardening is more difficult, but how true your words are - it is so important for our mental health. I love what I have been able to create here on the shores of Lake Michigan over the last 24 years, but I am getting much older now and it is getting difficult to continue to the degree I once did. Know that you are not alone. We all come to the point where we are able to do less of the work, but focus more on the joy of observing what we have created. The beauty keeps me going.
