Thursday, January 28, 2016

Planting Bare Root Trees from Raintree. 1.27.16

 Order arrived from Raintree nursery.  Anticipating tree planting helps keep me going.  In the case of this shipment, I ordered the trees last summer.

Nadia Cherry X Plum hybrid.  One of only 3 such hybrids in existence.  All are untested here in this area as far as I know.

Surefire Pie Cherry - the one in the Vancouver yard is way to big to consider moving.  Great variety.

MaryJane Peach - yet another trial for leaf curl resistance.

All of these fill empty orchard slots left by culls of long-term nonperformers.

I am very impressed by the quality of the trees, their roots, and the packaging.  A+

These may need some pruning or a little shaping,  but they really are excellent.
New Bare Root Fruit Trees.  1.27.16

Nadia Cherry X Plum, planted 1.27.16
They all got the needed vole/rabbit hardware cloth sleeves, and deer fencing.  I don't wait, any more.  Better to do at the start.  They will need some mulch, which does not need to be immediate.

MaryJane Peach.  1.27.16.


  1. Is like christmas when you get stuff from the mail order. You are a quick one. I just put my order in last night. Your order looks good. After Chinese New Year its the beginning of the grafting season. The peach bud is visible now. Pouring rain didn't hurt anything.

  2. You are right, I feel as good as if Santa Claus sent the plants.
