Saturday, August 27, 2022

Quilt Bummer 🤪. 8.27.22

 The star quilt was nearly done.  I completed cut the batting, and pinned it all together.  This time I wanted to be extra precise with the stitching, so I marked the first row with blue tailor's chalk.  I sewed the first line.

Still, something was nagging at me.  They say you should test a sample and see if the chalk line washes out.  I thought, it's tailor's chalk.  That's what it's made for.

Guess what.  The blue color didn't wash out.  I washed twice.  Still didn't wash out.

It's faint, but I will always see it.  I used a brush to remove what I could.  It didn't stay on the dark blue areas, which are slicker, or the dark grey areas.  All of the white areas on two corner patches were stained.

 So, I removed all if the line of stitching.  I removed the two corners of white fabric that were stained.  Now Im removing the large patchwork blocks that need to be either replaced or taken apart and just the stained parts replaced.  If I have enough fabric scraps (maybe), I'll replace the entire blocks.  Easier than taking them apart.  If not, I'll just replace stained peices.

Several years old four o'clock. 8.27.22

 This four o'clock comes back every year.   It never gets winter protection or watering.  It started blooming a few weeks later than the others, but will bloom all through fall. nIt's much larger than the first year plants.

Dwarf Tomato Crop. 8.27.22

 Here are the dwarf tomato raised beds.  Unfortunately I picked tomatoes before taking the photo.

I couldn't be happier with how they came out.    High raised bed, dwarf varieties, drip irrigation, cardboard mulch.  Working very nicely.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Oh Dear. Oh Deer. 8.22.22


I'mostly learned to coexist with them.  Every tree's lowest branches are at about 5 or 6 feet now, because Bambi ate all of the lower leaves and branches.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Flowers. 8.20.22

 Here are some of the flowers.  The zinnias haven't had as much of a chance this year but are still a favorite.

Reblooms on Alstroemerias

More Rudbeckia and Echinacea flowers.