Saturday, August 22, 2020

Honeybee forage. 8.22.2020

 The clover is done, and there aren't a lot of other things blooming en mass this time of summer.  I have some milkweeds that are finishing, and a few zinnias that are starting, but that's not enough for a difference.  Oregano plants are still covered with bees, but I don't have a huge amount of those.  The main flowers are dandelions and Queen Anne's Lace.  Our yard is filled with those, and the honeybees are foraging them now.

Wildflowers, Seeds Planted in June. 8.22.2020

 This was an area that contained irises.  I didn't want them there, because it is on an easement than can be paved at the whim of the holder.  Instead of just planting grass, I mixed together clover, grass seed, and wildflower seed.  I really didn't expect much, it has been hot and dry.  Even so, they are starting to bloom now.

I think some of these mixes are just extra annual flowers.  I really don't think zinnias, alyssum, cosmos, and bachelors buttons are native wildflowers.  Even so, they are nice.  Pollen and nectar sources are welcome now.

Chestnut Graft Updates. 8.22.2020

 I removed the remaining wrap from the chestnut grafts  - two more grafts.  They appeared a little constricted.  I think they will be OK in the long run, glad I removed them now.

The graft that was loose, I thought did not take, actually remained alive for the past two or three months, hanging on bt a thread.  I shortened it, and splinted it to see if it heals and maybe next year grows better.

Yellow Jackets by the Beehive. 8.22.2020

 This is very worrisome for me.  I saw that some yellow jackets had taken to a fig, and wondered if there might be a problem by the beehive.  So I set out a yellow jacket trap.  Within an hour, there were three dozen yellow jackets in the trap.  So I set out three more traps.  Time will tell.

I don't know where their nest is.  I wondered in the past if yellow jackets had killed off a beehive or more than one.  I read that they can kill them off in a few hours, for food. 

I have ordered some insecticide that can be mixed with cat food and placed in an animal-proof cage.  The yellow jackets carry it to their nest.  That will take a week to arrive.  Meanwhile, the traps will have to do.

So far, no bees enter the traps.  Just yellow jackets.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Tomato "Bodaceous". 8.20.2020

 Tomatoes got off to a late start this year.  I think we are heading into a good tomato month.  This being the Pacific NW, I'm grateful for whatever tomatoes I get.  I don't know if they are supposed to be this lumpy, but lumpy is fine, these are garden fresh, home grown tomatoes.

"Bodaceous Tomato"  8.20.2020

Edit:  Unfortunately, this was not flavorful at all!  I hope the future tomatoes are better.  It was basically like a grocery store tomato.