Thursday, April 26, 2007


This weekend I'm headed to one of the least green places in the countery: Vegas. Taking a class. Look at some sites. Then back to puttering in the yard, as work schedule allows.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Rhubarb pie: the proof is in the pie!

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rhubarb pie: putting it together

Step 7. This is a variation of an old Betty Crocker recipe, from Pearl Elliots old cookbook. I used 1 1/2 cups sugar, 1/3 cup flour, a squeeze of lemon juice. I didnt have any butter, so I used 2 tbsp of canola oil and added a squirt of butter flavoring, which might not be needed but it was in the cabinet.

Step 8. Chopped rhubarb goes into the pie crust. Then some mixed sugar and flour as outinled above. Then some more rhubarb, then some sugar/flour mix. Pour the canola over the top.

Step 9. Seal with the top crust, cover the edge with foil (or, for a true pie fanatic, there will be a reusable crust protector in the cabinet).

Step 10. Into the preheated, 425 degree oven for 15 minutes, then temperature is reduced to 325. It took 50 minutes until the crust was brown and juices bubbled up through the fork slits in the top.

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steps to rhubarb pie: canola crust

Step 4. This is Lawrence's canola crust (my Dad). No trans fatty acids, no saturated fats. FOr true 'slow food', you have to make your own crust. Also, it's better and better for you.

It's made from:
3 1/4 cups sifted flour (410 grams of flour)
1/2 teaspoon salt (I use 'lo salt')
3/4 cup canola oil (for savory pie such as a vegetable pie, I use olive oil)
3/8 cup skim milk.

Step 5. I like to use chopsticks to mix it up. Today the consistency was perfect.

Step 6. Roll it out between 2 sheets of wax paper. This is best done using a very old rolling pin (no new stuff here), such as Iva May Alcorn's birds-eye maple rolling pin here. It's also best to use an estate sale pie pan, not the disposable aluminum type.
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