Monday, September 02, 2024

Xeric Groundcovers. I planted Manzanita and Rockrose Starts, 2 Sept 24.

 I ordered these.  The Manzanita should be very short and spreading, John Dourley.  They are tiny starts, may need a few years to fully spread.

The Sageleaf Rockrose is a bit larger, but I imagine it will also take some time.

Setting up Lavender Air Layers. 2 Sept 24.

 The lavender cuttings, that I set up Aug 8, don't appear to be growing so far.  I decided to set up a couple of air layers as well.

I drilled large holes in the bottoms of 3" plastic pots.  Stripped a fee inches of leaves from the bases of two branches of the parent plant.  Scraped an inch of bark.  Wiped that with Dip'n'gro.  Inserted the branch through the bottoms of the pots.  Filled with pre-moistened potting soil.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

I Added Three Bearded Iris Varieties. 27 Aug 24.

 This was 5 days ago, so this is a delayed post.

The three bearded iris varieties arrived in the mail.  It's all a risk, because I've had bad results many times.  So we'll see.

These are the varieties Frimousse, Better Than Butter, and Society Page. 

I planted them immediately, among the others. They all have an arborist chip mulch.

Planting An Air Layer - Started Fig Tree. 27 Aug 24.

 Here is one of the Lattarula fig tree air layers, that I cut off from the main tree exactly one month ago.

Roots have been emerging from the bottom water drainage holes.

I decided to plant it in the fig tree in the fig tree border.  The reason is, the parent Lattarula tree is close to the house, and I eventually want to remove it.  Lattarula is my most productive variety,  big juicy, sweet figs.  By air layering starts and planting in the fig border, I can save it.

I selected the spot where I want it, dug a hole, and poured in a bucket of water.  Then removed the tree from its pot.

Lots of good roots!  This is only 30 days after cutting the air layered branch from the tree!

I planted, and covered the soil with decomposed tree leaves.

Then a cylinder of fencing to protect from deer.

It will need a hardware cloth sleeve for protection from voles this winter. Basically, it's planted and ready for its new life.  I won't fertilize until next Spring, because I don't want new, tender top growth now before winter arrives.

Recovering Lavender Plants Growing Quickly! 27 Aug 24.

 Here is the best of the lavender plants, that I pruned to the ground a few weeks ago.  My intent at the time was just to clear up the area.  I didn't expect the lavender plants to recover. i just wanted to cut them down.  It looks like they are making rapid growth!

Here's the other one that I found at the same time.  Also starting to recover.

I'm surprised they are growing.  The web sites I read or watched, said this can't happen.  Don't believe everything you see on the internet!

I found two more smaller ones today.  They haven't been encouraged, and might just be smaller anyway.