The buds seem viable and swelling now on the ginkgo grafts.
Saturday, April 27, 2024
More Fig Tree Air Layers. 27 Apr 24.
After looking at various websites, some say one-year old wood is suitable got air layering fig trees, while others say three to four year old wood will work. No harm in trying older branches as well.
So I set up an air layer on Lattarula on what looks like three or four year old wood, and the same for Violette de Bordeaux. I also set up an air layer of Violette de Bordeaux, on first year growth.
The Lattarula is full of brebas now. I removed the brebas from the branches that I air layered.
I decided with the last couple of air layers, to use string for fastening the Aluminum foil. One of the web pages I consulted (forgot which one ) recommended that to allow for inspecting for root growth.
Now it's a matter of time. A month, two months?
Weather. 27 Apr 24.
Not a lot can go on in this weather. Generally, raining a lot, Mid 49s during the night. Mid 50s during the day.
My main concerns are that some plants will stall or rot.
Still, there's a lot to do, indoors and out.
Some things seem to like this weather. Roses are growing nicely. Figs are developing. The garlic looks great.
The Four O'Clocks seem happier planted outside now, than getting TLC in containers and brought inside at night.
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Redlove Calypso ♀ x Columnar Golden Sentinel ♂ About To Bloom. 24 Apr 25.
During Spring 2020, I applied pollen from the columnar apple, Golden Sentinel, to isolated flowers of the red flesh apple, Redlove Calypso. An apple developed. I stratified the seeds, and three germinated - a red leafed seedling, a seedling whose leaves were green / red combined, and a green leaf seedling. (Blog Post)
The leaf color is from Redlove Calypso. The red color even shows in the roots. Here.
After growing for some time, the green leaf seedling was obviously not columnar. I planted it put in the garden. The red and red-green leaf seedlings clearly have columnar trait - thicker, mostly vertical stem.
Today I noted the red/green leaf tree has two clusters of flower buds.
They look quite red. Here is the form of the tree, with no pruning.
Developers of new apple varieties, evaluate thousands of seedlings to find something special. I have no expectations for that. If this tree's flowers develop into apples, and if they are "good enough" apples, that will be good enough for me. From the flower color and the coloration of the leaves, I'm already certain the apples will have red flesh, From the tree structure, I already feel certain it will be columnar.
Trapping Coddling Moths. 24 Apr 22.
Coddling moth worms have not been a huge problem for me. There have been some. Last year there were more.
With all of the deer cages gone, it will be easier to remove fallen apples, which will help in the future. I plan to spray kaolin clay this year too, partly to reduce sunburn too. Tanglefoot on the trunk may also have a role.
I will try this approach as well, more or less. I don't usually reference youtube, because there is so much garbage there. I thought this one made some sense.
So far I only have a few bottles. I will watch for more.