Thursday, April 11, 2024

Repotting Schlumbergera. 11 Apr 24.

 These were the two smallest / newest Schlumbergeras.  One has a sort of fuchsia tone that I haven't seen much in modern ones.  The color was more common in the past.

These ceramic pots are quite heavy.  They won't have any problems tipping over as they grow.  Also, they look nice.  I did not prune these.  They didn't need it.  Also, if my pruning of some of the others was too severe, these will be the blooming ones, next winter.

Here are the roots.  Nice, and I did not disturb them. 

These cacti should be set fir a few years now, with just routine care.


I decided to add this photo, rather than a new blog post.  This cactus had a couple of buds.  One opened.

I finally labeled them with the flower color.

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Why I drill Holes In Pots That Have Holes. 9 Apr 24.

This pot has been sitting there with several inches of water, for several weeks.  The holes are too small to let it drain and too close to the snap-on saucer.  With soil, it would just be soggy.

It will have a bunch of new, larger holes before I put it to work.

Pruning Schlumbergera. 9 Apr 24.

 I've usually been reluctant to prune the Schlumbergeras.  As a result they tend to sprawl and become top heavy.   I wanted to prune them just after blooming, but some are still blooming.  I started with these two.  I left still- blooming stems in place. I pruned the others back by 1 or 2 or 3 nodes - basically the past 2 or 3 years' growth.

After the flowers finish, I'll prune those stems back the same way, so they are all even.

Planting Celosia Seeds, Basil, Nasturtiums, Cilantro. 9 Apr 23.

 Today I planted these seeds - 

I'm using the seed warming mat for the Celosias and Basil.  I planted the Nasturtiums directly outside.  The cilantro is just in the sunroom.

Sunday, April 07, 2024

Shlumbergera Update. Some Continue To Bloom. 7 Apr 24.

 Some of the Schlumbergeras continue to bloom.

See also the one in the Poinsettia post today.

Most of them need up-potting.  I'm not sure that, going forward, I want as many (maybe 10 plants) but they are among the most rewarding, and for minimal care, for flowers that bloom beautifully indoors in the glum of winter.  

An of course I will want to see what the seedlings do as they grow.  Maybe bloom winter after this - 2025-2026 - but I don't know