I overwintered two super-dwarf Alstroemeria in the dry / chilly garage last winter. I brought them outside and started watering again, last week. Also cut off all of the dead leaves and stems.
Here is the purple one.
There are several new shoots, plus one that was already up. No growth yet on the yellow one. It was low to wake up last year.
My rationale for overwintering dormant in containers is that not all Alstroemeria descend from fully cold winter places. I don't know the ancestors of these highly hybridized dwarfs. They are very nice deck plants. It takes almost no effort to store them over the winter in the garage.
Here's a clump of tall, not as nice, Alstroemeria that has been growing outside in my fenced orchard / garden. Plus a dandelion.
The newest seedlings (Ligtu hybrids) should ad some new and brighter colors to the orchard clumps.