Today I harvested scallions. These were from single clump of Egyptian Walking Onions. They need a little more cleaning up than regular scallions, because they emerge from last year's bulb. That needs to be removed, and the scallions washed.
It feels amazing, having a crop on 19 March. I could have earlier, had I looked.
The row looks like this. I think it's about two years old.
Without going into detail, I'm a lot more physically limited compared to last year. I can't do nearly as much as before. Over the years, I've been building a garden that is focused on accessibility. Now, even though I can get up a bit, a lot of my gardening is done while sitting. This row of Egyptian Walking onions is in a high raised bed. That format helps make it possible to garden, for the physically challenged like me. It helps so much.
The onions also work that way. Egyptian Walking Onions are perennial. If you don't harvest, the clump will just keep growing larger. Every couple of years, they should probably be dug out and replanted. It doesn't matter much, when. I'll try covering the ground with leaves from my pile, to keep weeds down better too.