The Alstroemerias are germinating over a wide range of time. Of eight or nine original seeds, so far it looks like five or six have germinated. I think five. One is too tiny to show up in the photo (lower left cell) and I cant tell yet if another is one or two (lower right cell). I read they need warm, then cold, then warm stratification. These germinated before they could get the cold stratification, so they never got that. I'll just continue watering and see what happens. They are under LED lights in sunroom now.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Eucalyptus Seedlings. 21 Feb 2024
Here are the Eucalyptus seedlings so far.
Eucalyptus citriordora. Lemon bush Eucalyptus. These are in their transplanted container. They look a little sunburned, although they are under the same LED lights as everything else. Maybe it's just how they look. They smell exactly like lemon balm, and very strongly for such small plants.
Eucalyptus cineria. Silver Dollar Eucalyptus. Some websites stated they needed cold stratification. I did not, I just had them on the same seed warming mat as everything else. Tiny, tiny seeds. It looks loke most germinated. More than I "need", anyway.
So far I'm quite happy with my Eucalyptus experiments.
Monday, February 05, 2024
Overwintered Chives and Chinese Chives Are Growing. 5 Feb 2024
These are containers of chives and Chinese chives that I started from seeds last summer.
One has been pulled up. That's probably a Stellar Jay. They are pretty but they are obnoxious jerks LOL.
Container Bulbs And Rhizomes Are Growing. 5 Feb 2024.
Most of the container - planted bulbs have emerged.
You can see tulips, daffodils, grape hyacinths so far.
In addition to bulbs, some of the bearded iris rhizomes are starting to grow. Some look better than others.