This was last week. I removed all of the deer fencing around the semi-dwarf apple trees, and made big headway on pruning them.
Three views.
I've been trying to get a few of these trained to the Goldilocks zone of bearing branches too high for deer comfort but low enough for me to maintain - thin, bag, prune. This is about as good as I can do. Last year I did that with the pears, which worked out *almost* just right. All still need more pruning and training this winter, but this was a BIG step in progress.
The Liberty and Jonagold trees are about how I wanted them. The Akane needs more training, but is close. Ditto for the Winecrisp. I left NorthPole as a tuft on top, to pollinate the two triploid trees.
The grass is uneven - wait until more needs mowing, then do this as well. No use wasting gasoline just for this area.
With the deer fencing removed, now it can all be mowed with the riding mower. Much faster and easier. I'll use grass and clover as ground cover, no more thistles and blackberries to contend with.