Friday, June 24, 2022

Planting More Seedlings. 6.24.22

 There are a few more seedlings to plant.  

African marigolds - planted the rest of them.  The ones already in the ground are already perking up.

The cosmos seedling that I set out a few days ago are growing.

More seedlings to plant - mostly French marigolds from home saved seeds, cleome, and thunbergia seedlings that I think don't like chilly nights and cool days we have now,

I want to plant those during the next couple of days,

Monday, June 20, 2022

An Excellent Gardening Aid for an Older Gardener. 6.20.22

 I bought this at Bi-Mart.

In this position, it's a nice seat for resting or working in raised beds.

In this position, it's an excellent kneeling pad.  The cushion is just the right firmness, and the side handles make standing up again a LOT easier.

 What a great tool.  

Starting A New Star Quilt. 6.20.22

 I've been wanting to start this quilt pattern for a year.  As with some other projects, I'm using fabric from mens's shirts bought at estate sale or thrift shop.  A lot is left over from other quilts.  There were some that I especially liked so I'm  using all of that I can.  

Each square is different, but with recurring themes of fabrics and shapes,  Here are the first two.

These have in common with the last quilt that the blocks are made from nine squares, but these squares are made by piecing together smaller squares and triangles.  

The pattern was published in Today's Quilting, a UK magazine, last year, by designer Lynne Goldsworthy.  My version will be more monochromatic, blues, greys, whites.

Here is a nine patch block before sewing together.  It's a challenge matching the corners and edges.    Also, I am using a crinkly fabric for the white areas, but it's too thin so I temporarily fused it to a white background fabric, which makes it like card stock.  The adhesive will wash out when I wash the final quilt, making it softer again.  

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Planting a Container of Sempervivum and Sedum. 6.19.22

 Here is a container I planted with Sempervivum and Sedum a few years ago.  It thrives with almost no care, can dry out without problems, and doesn't mind winter or summer.

I decided to plant this strawberry pot with similar starts from around the yards.

The sedums are cuttings.  Just cut pieces from existing plants and poke them into the soil.  They root quickly with no other effort.  I do cut off the growing tips so they will branch and fill in.  Sempervivums are splits from my original plant.  They don't have many roots but will establish just fine.  There are a couple more pockets to plant, plus a second strawberry pot.

Envol Potatoes and Four O'Clocks. 6.19.22

 Here is my row of Envol, and my row of Four O'Clocks.

Both are pretty lush.  I think the potatoes should be ready to start digging soon,