Monday, May 30, 2022

Mushrooms. 5.30.22

 Mushrooms are growing all over the place.

What's Blooming? 5.30.22

 A nice red poppy.

A nice yellow peony.  This one came with the old house.  Nice fragrance.

Friday, May 27, 2022

What's Blooming?. 5.27.22

 Horse Chestnut.

Red Peony


Pawpaws Are Blooming. 5.27.22

 The Pawpaw trees are blooming.  I started hand pollinating them today.

Hilling Up Potatoes. 5.27.22

 Most of the potato trenches are filled in and the earliest ones, planted in Feb, are hilled up a bit.  I have 1 1/2 rows remaining to fill in, the late varieties.

The container potatoes are looking nice too.  The ones in the new planter box are now filled to the top.

The potatoes I planted in the bags are also growing.  I may run out of soil to fill these up.  Maybe arborist  mulch will work.

This might be "The Year Of The Potato" LOL