Like statice, I've never grown carnations before. (Actually I might have but I don't remember and it wasn't here). After losing the first batch, I didn't know if it was the timing, the pitting soil, or the cool weather. So I planted a few more six packs of seeds. I think the ones that did the best were the ones I planted in the larger silicone six-packs, but all did OK.
On April 8, I planted the first batch in one of the large containers in the container planter I built. I kept the others indoors at night, outdoors during the day, until recently. Here is how the first ones look today.
The irrigation lines should be hooked up in a week or two. I think these are growing pretty nicely. Last week I planted the second batch in another container, but outside the deer fence as a test. Plus I didn't know where else to put it. I also planted a couple in the ground in the meditation garden. Today, I planted the rest of them in the ground there too.
I hope the early planting will give some nice flowers. I read somewhere that deer wont eat them. I don't know if the need a lot of water. I think they might be fairly dry tolerant. It's fun trying these plants that I haven't grown before.