Also known as "The truffles of Bavaria (I just made that up LOL).
The first batch that I planted, from sprouted potatoes, is all growing. These are the red potatoes that I planted Feb 13.
The second batch, from "official" seed potatoes, is also all growing. I planted those March 12, so they needed about a month to emerge. Most have been visible for about a week. They are Yukon Gold and Red Norland, which is what they had at that Orange big box store at the time.

Yesterday I finished planting the earliest of early varieties, Envoy. It will be interesting to compare. Half are in the ground and half are in nursery bag containers.
Yesterday or the day before, I planted all of the early variety, Yukon Gem, in the ground. They are an improved Yukon Gem, more productive and disease resistant.
Today I planted the first of the midseason potatoes, my favorite variety Kennebec. I reserved a few starts for a container that I'm sewing.
That leaves the other midsesson, a German variety I haven't tried before, Soraya. So maybe they really are "The truffle of Bavaria" LOL.
And the late season Elba. I hope to have those in the ground in a few days.
I think this will be more than we need. The harvesting season will be June to Sept, and some shoukd keep at least 3 months, maybe quite a bit longer. No Russets this year, but Kennebec can do anything a Russet can do, and do it better.
Next year I'll cut back, grow the top four maybe - a super early, and early, a mid, and a late season. Depends on how they perform this year and if the container method is worthwhile and easier.