Thursday, January 13, 2022
Setting Up Forsythia Bouquet / Cuttings. 1.13.22
Cleaning Up Some Flower Seeds. 1.13.22
Planting Multiplier Onions or Shallots. 1.13.22
These are either potato onions - a very old heirloom variety that multiplies in the ground, like a shallot - or shallots. I messed up the labeling. I'm hoping for potato onions but some have a red color that is probably shallot.
I had them in a paper bag in the pantry so they would stay dry. I decoded to plant them now. It's mild. They should even overwinter OK.
I planted then in a row near the end of what will be the chili pepper bed. They wont take much room there and won't interfere with the peppers. Even with rain and mud, it's not bad planting in a raised bed with a nice foot path. :-)
Footpaths in Kitchen Garden. 1.13.22
I've been laying soil barrier and covering that with woodchips for a (if it works) mole-minimized and weed-reduced if not weeds-eliminated kitchen garden area. Closer to completing this job. The wood chips make a nice walking surface. I'll deal with the drip irrigation lines later.
I couldn't be happier with the kitchen garden. It's only mid January and the hardest work is completed.