Saturday, May 23, 2020

Planting Bush Bean Seeds. 5.23.2020

Of the beans that I planted in the past week to 2 weeks, only the Dragon's Tongue bush beans have germinated.  I need to double check that name, it might be Fire Tongue or something.  These look healthy so far.

I also planted Limas, Yellow Wax, Romas, and Landreth Stringless, all a day or a few days after the Dragon's tongue.  Only a couple of Landreth Stringless have germinated.  Those YellowWax and Romas were older seeds.  Maybe they won't grow.  It might be their age, or not giving them enough time, or the cool weather.

Tonight I'm soaking some fresh, new seeds of Landreth and Roma.  I can plant them tomorrow.

Dragon's Tongue bush beans.  5.23.2020

Tomatoes and Protective Covers. 5.23.2020

With predicted cool temperatures and ongoing rains, I got out the wall-o-water units that i bought last year, and protected three tomato plants.  I also got, via amazon, a flimsy polyethylene painting tarp, and covered some of the sauce tomato plants, first placing fencing tunnels over the plants so the plastic would not touch them. Most of the nights were in the 40s and 50s, and the days in 50s and 60s.

Almost two weeks later, I removed the protections.

For the plants that were not protected,  they look fine.  The leaves are nice and green, and they grew a bit.
The plants that were protected by plastic on fencing tunnels grew the fastest.  They are sturdy and green and quite a bit bigger.
The plants that were covered with the wall-o-water, were not as healthy looking.  They did increase some in size, but are more lanky and droopy.  I imagine they will come out of it, but the wall-o-water did not do as well as the plastic layer on fencing tunnels, and probably not as good as unprotected plants.

I think the water cones might be better used for colder weather than we had.  Maybe they heated up too much.
Top Left and top middle:  Bodeaceous.  Bottom Left and bottom Middle:  Better boy.  Right:  Supersweet 100 and Sungold.  Only  The left most were covered with Wall-o-water for 2 weeks.

Mostly Ranger tomato plants, protected by plastic tunnels, or no tunnel.  Plus Early Girl protected by wall-o-water.  5.23.2020

Early Girl Bush Tomato, protected by wall o water for 2 weeks.  5.23.2020

Planting Sweet Corn. Germinating Sweet Corn. 5.23.2020

Most years, my rule of thumb is to plant sweetcorn starting on May 15.  This year I started about a week sooner - check prior post for actual date.  That batch was Bilicious, an SE type.  I always grow SE sweet corn.

Then it was chilly and rainy for the past approx two weeks.  Most days in 50s and 60s, nights in 40s and 50s.  I wondered if the seeds would germinate, but most of them did. These were 1/2 new seeds, and 1/2 one-year-old seeds.  I think the majority of them germinated.

I cover with 1 inch square plastic mesh, so birds don't eat the seeds.  Then I switch to low fencing tunnels, so rabbits and deer don't eat the tender young plants.  When they grow out of the fencing tunnels, they usually don't get eaten.

Today I planted "Ruby Queen", from Burpee.  These are red kernel sweet corn.  I imagine the flavor is about the same as the yellow, but since there is a difference between yellow and white, who knows?  Ruby Queen is also SE.
Germinating Sweet Corn Plants.  5.23.2020

Friday, May 15, 2020

Honeybee on Collard and Poppy Flowers. 5.15.2020

Honeybee on Oriental Poppy Flower.  5.15.2020

Honeybee on Collard Green Flowers.  5.15.2020

Iris Garden Today. 5.15.2020

Sunny Disposition.  5.15.2020

Bearded Iris Garden.  5.15.2020

Victoria Falls.  5.15.2020