Saturday, September 15, 2007

Grapes in Cherry Tree

What's that up in the cherry tree? Grapes! I'm not sure of the variety, possible Niagra. I suggest Niagra as the variety because it is the most popular seeded green grape variety sold in stores, although I bought the original plant at a Farmer's Marker in Vancouver 4 or 5 years ago.
They are very juicy and sweet, but given their locaton 20 or 30 feet off the gound, it takes a ladder to harvest them. The plan was to have them grow along a fence UNDER the tree, but this vine has aspirations of its own.
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Fall Blossoms

This is my favorite lily, I almost missed it. This is a species lily, so not as flashy, and the fragrance is strong and sweet but not as overwhelming as some hybrids. Doing well wtihout much water - but may not be as ready for next because of my neglect this year.
The rose is "Happy Child", getting by and occasionally blooming. It took about 4 years from cutting stage to really perform.Posted by Picasa

Nings Chickens

These are 3 of Ning's 4 hens. See earlier entrys for them as baby chicks. They are laying 3 to 4 eggs daily. One of the Rhode Island Reds is the 'star' chicken, largest eggs and most reliable, the other Rhode Island Red is the developmentally challenged hen, laying fragile eggs that almost never make it to the kitchen. The others (I dont know their variety) are in between.

So far, they are keeping up with us, although we did have to makde a plateful of deviled eggs so that we didnt waste any.

They eat a lot of the kitchen scraps that otherwise would go to the compost pile. They actually still do, since once they go through the chicken the result heads to the compost.

The hen house was built from scraps of 2X4, parts pulled out of the old bathroom (the flooring is former cabinet), and one sheet of outdoor grade siding. It opens from the top for easy egg collection. We haven't made Winter plans yet, may need to insulate their roosting house (purchased separately) or build something new.

Here are my thoughts on why home yard chickens are environmentally friendly:
* They can be fed kitchen scraps and food that is owtherwise wasted, and they convert it into food for us (eggs) or the garden (chicken poop). Of course, they do get regualr chicken feed and oyster shells for egg strength.
* Growing them at home is cleaner than chicken factory farms, no massive waste.
* Growing them at home connects the gardener to their source of food, creating a deeper connection to nature and where we fit into our food chain.
* They eat bugs and slugs, converting them into food.
* These chickes are housed in an area that I could never rid of bishop weed. They seem to have eradicated it. They are good at killing plant life under foot, when needed (and even when not needed, but I'm listing the positives here).

Here is a question: if they eat oyster shells, and the chicken converts them into the eggshell, does that make eggs seafood?

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

After a hiatus

It's been a difficult summer. Work hours are long and the work is the most intense ever. Coming home, I'm often too exhausted to do more than water 'essentials' about every other night on hot days, less often if cooler. No time for more significant garden projects. I have also tried to get the bathroom project finished, but only about 1 day every other weekend.

What has happened in the garden?

1. Most of the plants continue to survive. The grapes (Venus here) are producing like crazy now. I've about finished off Interlaken and Venus, and Price is done. Price didnt have many anyway, but they are the most 'grapy', most flavorful and largest. They do have seeds, but I think I even like that.

2. Of course, the hummingbirds dont take much attention, and they have been the big treat of the summer. I read that they eat the nectar for energy, but get all of their protein from insects. No wonder this yard is doing so well wtihout insecticides.

3. Tomatoes are producing well now. I eat at least one large tomato daily, sometimes more. Principe Borghese makes for great 'tomato raisons' - slice in have and leave in the dehydrator for about 24 hours.

4. Figs have not done much yet. The containerized figs are barely limping by. Vancouver / Brunswick has lots of large figs and Petite Negri has many many small ones. Hardy Chicage has a few, I ate one yesterday - these are small, but so is the tree. next year?
5. Raspberries are bearing well. I think I do like the Fallgold better, and my just ust that one next year.
6. Roses are surviving, not much disease, and most bloom a little all summer. Nothing dramatic.
7. Brugmansia has had a few flowers but not as much as last year. Maybe the container is too small. It gets daily waterings.
8. Ning's Changchun beans actually did quite well. we are still getting more than we can eat.
9. Garlic did very well. It's almost time to plant again.
10. Cacti did well this year. A few blossoms as noted earlier. Most have grown guite a lot.
All for now. I dont know how to move back closer to work/life balance (I've NEVER been in balance) but seriously need to strive for it, lose the 20 "stress pounds" that piled on, and figure out how to find time and energy to bike again. Can I do it? Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bathroom Project

A few rows remaining for the Subway tile, and a couple of details, then the tile work is done. The color in the top photo is the closest to reality. That 'couple of details' - such as the window, will take a lot of tile cutting, so not quite done, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. No grout on these wall yet, obviously, since the tile work isn't finished.
The sink and shower wall is getting grouted first so that I can have the plumbers come in and hook up the faucets. The other walls can be done afterwards. I will feel muich better when the sink is installed.

Initially, I thought the tile was too uneven, both the tiles and my application, but with the grout in place I'm feeling better about it. These tiles are supposed to have a 'hand made' look, so are have uneven and wavy edges, which makes them difficult to line up. The nice part is that the final product LOOKS hand made, and the play of color variation in the tiled wall makes it more interesting compared to 'perfect' tiles.

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