Today I pruned the cherry trees in the Vancouver yard. I cut back all new growth to about 5 buds, trimmed back a few older branches. Cut off dead twigs.
These are in backyard orchard culture style. Trim in summer to maximize the dwarfing effect. That removes most of the photosynthetic biomass. They are still quite vigorous. Much of the new growth was 3 feet long and very leafy. I dont fertilize them at all. Not even compost.
All if those leafy stems were laid on the ground around the trees, to make a nice thick mulch. They will quickly become brown and crinkly. From a distance it looks like bark mulch. I have read not to do that because of potential disease, but Ive been doing so for 10 years without problems.
A backyard cherry did not getruned last year or two. Must have removed 15 feet of growth this time. Now back to workable size. i also trim the center so the branches are like an empty bowl. That allows good light penetration for buds cherries and health.
The bowls are the last of the sweet cherries. The blue bowl is Surefure pie cherry. Nice and tart. Also some strawberries