First bud break on grafted ginkgo tree. 3.21.16 |
This is one of the
ginkgo trees that I grafted 2.2.16. At this stage, growth doesn't prove the graft took, but it does show it's alive. Considering about 7 weeks have passed from the graft, I'm thinking they have taken. More new growth, especially vigorous, will make me more confident.
I don't have a pic, camera battery died, but the pear grafts from about the same time, also look good, with larger bud growth.
In addition to the apple grafts from Fedco last week, I added more today. These came from this weekend's Home Orchard Society scion exchange yesterday. From those, I grafted -
Red Airlie apple, which is sold in stores with the trademarked name "Hidden Rose". Inside of the ripe apples is pink. According to reviews, these apples are slower to brown after slicing. Flavor is considered good. Late ripening.
King David, apple. I looked for this one via Fedco, they didn't have any this time around.
Thought to be a hybrid of Jonathan and an unknown, possibly Arkansas Black or Winesap, 1893, apple looks more like Arkansas Black. Very resistant to fireblight.
Dolgo Crabapple, because crab apples are considered good pollinizers for other apples.
Hawkeye, considered the original Red Delicious, before Red Delicious underwent multiple generations of sports giving us the famous beautiful, cardboard tasting apple. Hawkeye is said to be the true "Delicious".
These are all the apples varieties my little trees can handle for now. If some turn out to be duds, I can prune them out and let others take over. The multigrafts should all be self pollinating, and each branch should give at least a couple of pies, or a few bowls of apples, which is all I want from each variety. For me, it's like a collection, I see something interesting and add it. The cost is minimal - $5 for scion at Fedco, or free at the scion exchange.
The new scion from this year, assuming they take, will need 2 or 3 years to produce fruit for a taste.
I also grafted the following, yesterday and today:
Onto the Stanley European plum, a plum labeled as "
Red Washington European Plum". I grafted that one as a polllinizer for better or more fruit production on Stanley. If it's a good plum, that will be good too. I don't have more info on this plum.
Male Hayward Kiwi - to pollinize the no-name kiwi that has been growing for 3 years in my arbor. I didn't want to buy an additional plant, not knowing if it would help. Kiwi turns out to be very soft wood, hollow with a pith. The wood was also delicate, fell apart easily. I needed several tries, and in the end it was not clean. The kiwi sap is syrupy. It might take.
I grafted three grafts of
Petite Negri Fig from home, onto the extra Dominick fig tree at Battleground, to see if I can get a good start of this fig without growing from cutting. Fig wood is also soft, and fragile, with a central pith. These might or might not take. I had stored the scion, well wrapped, in the refrigerator to keep it dormant until the understock started growing. The figs are all producing buds now.
Flowers on Ember Plum. 3.21.16 |
I did a whip and tongue from Toka. That was also stored in the refrigerator, well wrapped. I used one of the Hollywood Plum own-root starts as understock. I want a spare Toka. It's a delicious plum, a vigorous pollinizer, but the existing tree appeared to have some canker last year.
This leaves a male scion for the hardy kiwi, and a persimmon scion, "Chocolate" to add to either Saijo or Nikita's Gift. From my readings, persimmons are difficult, and take best if the under stock is already growinbg actively. That will need to wait a few weeks in the refrigerator.
Native Plum Seedling in Bloom, 4 years old. 3.21.16 |
From grafts done last year,
Ember and
Hanska plums are now blooming. They are later, compared to the Asian plums. One Ember plum is a free standing tree, grafted March 2015 onto Hollywood rootstock. The seedling plum, taken from what I think are native
American species plum tree, is just beginning to bloom for the first time. This tree is 4 years old. It has been raining a lot, so I don't know if they will pollinize even if compatible.