Thursday, December 22, 2022

Sewing A Cotton Rope Bowl. 12.16.22

 This was my first attempt, so it counts as practice.  The goal was to make a pie carrier, so a pie wouldn't slide around.  I thought I was making it too big.  But it turned out way too small.  It's also a little wonky.   Still, there were some learnings.  I made this using 3/8" cotton rope.

When practicing, I used some cotton thread I had sitting around.  Poor quality, broke multiple times.  So I changed to a better quality cotton thread meant for machine quilting.  Worked perfectly, did not break even once.

Despite not being the size I wanted, this did make a nice rope bowl.  It seems quite strong.  It takes a little practice to make, but isn't difficult at all.

The braided cotton cord that I ordered came, so I made another.  This time, 1/4" diameter.  The rest was the same method.

I thought the 1/4 inch was more difficult to sew well, because the narrower diameter was not as easy to see  under the presser foot.  Still, it worked fine and the final product was a very nice rope bowl.  I think it worked perfectly.

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