The challenges of growing sauce tomatoes, in my yard:
1. Deer. So I grew them in a fenced bed this year.
2. Lack of experience. Now I have it.
3. Blossom end rot. This was a big challenge during previous years. I read it was insufficient calcium, or too much watering, or too much nitrogen. I added lime to the soil, watered less, and gave less nitrogen, but did not have an improvement. This year, I grew 3 varieties: Ranger (From Territorial Seeds), Big Mamma (From Burpee), and traditional Roma (I forget where ).

As it turned out, the Ranger and Big Momma had not blossom end rot at all. The Romas, in the same bed, had a fair amount. So I think the hybrids are better. As for flavor, I didn't test side by side, but the sauce is excellent. As for productivity, the Big Mamma tomatoes are huge! And meaty. But the Ranger tomatoes are a good size and meaty, and I think pounds per plant is more with the Rangers. I didn't measure, but I got a lot more tomatoes on the Ranger plants.
The photos show how I make the sauce. No added salt or sugar or anything, just tomatoes. Additives go in when I make something using the sauce. It's very simple.
1. Wash the tomatoes. Remove stems. Cut each into big chunks - halves or quarters. No water is added. No salt, no sugar.
2. Heat on low/medium until they release their juices and start to boil. Stir with wooden spoon to prevent sticking to the bottom, about once
every 10 or 15 minutes. Then reduce to the lowest setting.
I change to a mesh colander for lid.
3. Simmer for about 90 minutes. I've seen shorter and longer times. This works for me. Volume reduces by about 1/3. I think more watery tomatoes would need longer.
4. Replace lid and let them cool off. A few hours or overnight.
5. Use food processor to puree, skins, seeds, and all. I don't remove anything.
6. Portion 1 cup per labeled 1-qt freezer bag. Freeze flat, then arrange in plastic box in freezer like cards in a file. I use these about one per week, for a year or more.
I think most sites say they will keep for a year. I think that by the end of the season, I'll have about 50 pouches, which gives me about 1 per week, which is about perfect.
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