Thursday, July 27, 2017

More photos. 7.29.17

 Some nice flowers are blooming now.   Now that the zinnias are larger, they seem less palatable for rabbits.  Maybe the leaves are dryer and more tough in the summer.  Even weedy flowers are nice when cut.

The Rudbeckias are second year now.  I'm glad they survived another season.

I don't know that bigger is always better, but the current batch of onions is the biggest I've ever grown.  The ones in the ground are even larger, but the tops have not fallen over yet, so I'm waiting to harvest them.  The brown-wrapper onions are the hybrid "Patterson".  The white ones, which are the largest and the biggest of those not yet ready, are Ailsa Craig.


  1. Nice! My onions are large, also.

    1. Thanks Randy. We have a good supply now, good for several months.

  2. How do you get your lily this big? Mine always get only 1 flower. Well done on the flowers and onion.

    1. Lance, that lily is an Orienpet Hybrid. They tend to grow huge. I don't know if it's just hybridizing that does that, or maybe they are tetraploid? I'll have to look into that.

  3. Daniel, beautiful and huge! As usual. Oh! how I long to be in the greenhouse, on the terraces, and in the raised beds! I am still in a wheelchair and am determined to be out of it in another week/month!
    I am getting my garden pleasure vicariously through you and others in Godless in the Garden.
