Saturday, August 20, 2022

Figs, figs, figs. 8.20.22

 Two fig trees are producing like crazy, Desert King and Lattarula.  Sicilian white is producing smaller figs, but not bad and is a younger tree, shaded by a larger Linden tree.

Desert King.

I didn't photograph the Sicilian figs.  There were also two ripe figs on the Brunswick fig tree.  Photo below, the largest, brown-ish is Brunswick.  Desert King is the largest green, Lattarula is the smaller green.  

The small colander is Sicilian White but mostly Lattarula.  The large colander is Desert King.

I made a batch of fig jam.

I froze puree for five batches of fig bars, yummy!

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Tomato Harvest. 8.18.22

 Some nice tomatoes now.  These are Extreme Bush  (the smaller ones) Earlie Girl Bush (a bit bigger), and Dwarf Golden Champion (the yellow).  The Dwarf Golden Champion is similr to Lemon Boy flavor but a bit smaller fruit.  Very good.

As for the plants, these are Exreme Bush.  Only about 20" tall.

Dwarf Golden Champion.  It's roughly 30" tall.

Potato Harvest. Kennebeck and Soraya. 8.18.22

 Today I dug up more Kennebeck potatoes.  These are good tasting, nice size.  I also dug up Soraya, which I think is OK but not as good as Kennebeck.

The bowl on the left is from three potato plants, grown in the ground. mOn the right, three plants grown in a growing bag.

I forgot to photograph Soraya.  They were much smaller and fewer per planr, so far.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Lattarula Figs, First Picking. 8.12.22

 Here are the first figs of the summer crop.   So sweet and juicy!  Also a couple of Petite Aubique.

Thunbergia. 8.12.22

 Well, now we know.  Thunbergia grows nicely in the summer climate here.  These were a seed mix of different colors.  Unofficially, "Black Eyed Susan Vine".  I'm told that in Holland these are called "Suzanne with the lovely eyes".