Monday, February 28, 2022

With Rufus In Sunroon. 2.28.22

An atmospheric river came through today. Rufus is a bit big for a lap dog, but I'm fine with that.

Assembling a Quilt. 2.28.22

This is the batik disappearing nine patch that I started March 2021. I want to complete it this month. Then I can move on to other planned projects. With the last quilt, I discovered that safety pinning the layers together works a LOT better for me, compared to washable spray adhesive. Plus, that stuff makes the house smell like an auto body shop, andcis expensive. So this time I'm doing the safety pins again. Plus, using the kitchen island is more convenient and managable and a lot less painful than working on the floor. Layers sitting together.
Safety pinned together.
I will quilt this one diagonally. I think.

I Set January Perennial and Onion Seedlings Outside. 2.28.22.

I think it's mild enough, and overcast enough, these can sit outside now. Temp was in 50s all day, and that is what is predicted tonight and tomorrow. Plus constant rain, so no likely sunburn to tender leaves. This will help them harden off for transplanting outdoors. Plus, that clears spaces in the seedling stand for the next batch of seedlings.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Repotted Pepper Seedlings. 2.27.22

I didn't post on them, but the first group of pepper plants started to look puny, with curling leaves and pale color. As I described for tomato seedlings, I think it's the seedling starting medium. It seems fine for onions, perennial flowers, and others but not for long term growing of pepper and tomato seedlings. So I repotted them into regular potting soil. They also seem to have some tiny flues, so I sprayed today with some "Safer" organic spray. I think they are starting to perk up.

Repotting Carnation Seedlings. 2.27.22

Of the early started seedlings, the carnations look the most vigorous and sturdy so far. I repotted into slightly larger plant tray. They're not rootbound yet, but it's definitely time for larger containers.
After repotting. I think they'll be ready to plant outside in a month. That means the extra raised bed will need to be ready by then too :-)