Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Ripe Tomatoes. 10.24.18

Ripe tomatoes in October!  Wow!

PawPaws. 10.24.18

"Sunflower" Pawpaws.  10.24.18
Wow.  These are so good!  Now I'm down to 4 remaining fruits.  This variety is "Sunflower".  I'm saving seeds.  They are washed off, in wet paper towel, in ziplock bag, in the fridge, for the winter.

Deer Resistant Petunias. 10.24.18

Petunias.  10.24.18
Add petunias to the list of deer resistant annuals.  These did great.  Deer didn't touch them.  They are in a major deer super-highway.  They are starting to wear out, due to the season.  They were covered with flowers, all summer long.

Brussels Sprouts. 10.24.18

I didn't know how these would do in my garden.  I love Brussels Sprouts.  It's a challenge growing cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, because of Cabbage moths / worms, and because of slugs.  I can manage the slugs, but the Cabbage moths are very destructive.  Still, Collard Greens seem unaffected or mostly unaffected.

So this Spring I planted Brussels Sprouts.  They did great!  Minimal problems with Cabbage moths.  Aphids covered them in late summer / early fall, and I was not diligent.  Hosed them off once or twice.  Next year, use neem.

But I'm happy with the result.  These will be great once I clean them up and roast them.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Alice Wachenheim in her Rose Garden. Early 1960s.

I've returned to the dusty, musty boxes and albums that were left to me in my parents' estates, and left to them by their parents and my grandparents' sisters. Gardening has always been part of the lives of my family. Here is my grandfather's sister, Alice, who started hybrid tea roses by sticking flowers from bouquets into the ground, and covering with a jar to prevent dehydration. Her tea roses were important and meaningful to her, and she was proud of them. It's a faded Kodachrome.

I used the free photo editing program, Picasa, to sharpen the contrast and refurbish the color.