Tuesday, April 02, 2013

What's Blooming?

Sweet Cherry.

Iris bucharica.

Muscari. These multiply rapidly with no assistance from me.

Genetic dwarf peaches..

Monday, April 01, 2013

Laburnum Cutting

Laburnum grown from cutting the same way as figs. Looking pretty good. I potted them a few weeks ago. I'm happy to have Spring here now, and the cuttings growing. I'm recuperating and can't do much for a month or two. Fortunately, watering cuttings and minor tasks are do-able and cheer me up.

Back Yard

By necessity the yard is in a state of benign neglect now. Fortunately I did a lot of pruning and clean up in previous weeks. Nice the fruit trees and bulbs are blooming.An antique narcissus variety. The bunches each started with 1 to 3 bulbs. Now I need to find the name again. They could stand to be dug up and divided this summer. Hard to see but there are also Juno Iris in the photo. The chive barrel is growing nicely. Maybe Ning will make chive dumplings in a week or two. Comfort food.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Raised Beds. Kitchen garden and irises.

Vegetable bed.  I temporarily added a couple of irises, I didn't want in the one iris bed so far.  Also some raspberries from home.  If I can build another bed in a couple of months, they will move to that.

The black wooley-looking stuff  is fur trimmed from Charlie.  Purpose is to deter rabbits and deer.  Might help.  Might not.  Bok Choy,  chinese cabbage, radishes, turnips, spinach, have all sprouted.

Allium vegetable bed.  Looking great.  We are getting lots of scallions.  Garlic chives are growing the thickest and sturdiest I've ever seen them grow.  They will be ready to harvest in 2 weeks.

Iris bed.  Some wooleys on here too.  Even though deer are said not to like irises.  The locations for the heritage iris  order are laid out and labeled, in case they come in the next couple of weeks.

I won't be posting for a week or two.  Maybe something on fig cuttings tomorrow.  Likely wont do much in the garden for a month or two.  We will see.  Having these progress reports to look at, will help.

Beehive. Feeders in place.

Thebee feeders are in place. Ruhl-Bee states they will arrive first or 2nd week of April. I hope 2nd week. It may be difficult, earlier. Counting the days....