Saturday, July 30, 2011

Zygopetallum hybrid

The larger plant is the result of one year of care at home. The smaller plant is new. It's subtle to me, but the smaller plant has lighter leaves. I think that indicates the lighting was better, and may be why the larger plant hasn't bloomed. I had it in brighter sun and now there is some sunburn. I don't know yet it it will bloom later. Always learning.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Little Potato

The newest addition to the family. His name is Henry.

Kitchen Update

We are still in the "what have I done" stage. The good news is that with all of the joists exposed, there is no sign at all of any insect issues. The challenge is that the roof needs better support, so an engineer had to be brought in. If the plans go through, work can resume early next week.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Orchid. An intergeneric oncidium hybrid

I bought this as a throw-away last year. After it bloomed I thought, why not keep it. I repotted, and moved it to my workplace window. After a bit under one year, it bloomed. Interesting how that happens.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kitchen Day #1

Day #1 of Kitchen remodel.  The change is dramatic.  First, the appliances and plumbing go.
Washer and dryer too.
I wasn't here in between.  Now, the cabinets are gone, the drywall, and the dividing wall.  This view faces the North wall, where we'll have the sink.
View from the dining room.  Much bigger.  Even with dark walls, it's more open and brighter, and will be more so soon.  Top layer of flooring is gone.  Two more finish layers, and one in between, to follow.
Looking into the dining room.  It's much more open now.