I found this lavender plant when I was doing some clean-up of an area that was taken over by thistles and blackberries. When that area is done, it will just be mowable grass.
This plant was scraggly with long twiggy stems. I attempted to dig it out, but accidentally chopped off most of the roots. Oh well. So I also pruned off most of the top, and planted it in a fairly small container, in used potting soil.
About three weeks later -
There are LOTS of new buds growing. I don't know how much they will grow before winter. I might need to keep it in the sunroom. Also, I can't predict whether it will make a bushy plant. With good pruning, I think it might.
This makes me wonder about internet plant growing lore. So far, everything I've found says you can't cut lavender back beyond fairly young leafy growth. So far, all of the lavender plants that I pruned severely has started to regrow. Now wait and see.