Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bearded Iris Bed Finished. 27 Jul 24.

 I'm more limited than I was, so things move more slowly.

Here's the completed bearded iris bed.  The features - full sun all day.  excellent drainage.  I cleaned all of the rhizomes before planting.

They have a good layer of woodchip mulch.  I know it's a truism, that bearded iris rhizomes should be bare to the sun, no mulch.  Also no weeds.  I have never been able to precent weeds, and the weeds are monsters. Then again, with bare soil around them, they always, 100% of the time, develop fungal spot and bacterial rod, don't bloom and don't thrive.  Some die.

On the other hand, the discarded rhizomes in the duck yard thrive among weeds, and they have wood chip mulch.  Also the rhizomes that I moved to the garden border.  Weeds, yes (not too many).  Mulch, yes. Fungal spot and bacterial rot, no.  Bloom, yes, quite well.

My theory is that bacterial and fungal diseases in the soil splash onto the leaves, during rainy season.  Last year I tried growing a lot of them in containers, but the same thing happened.  So this is (another) final attempt.

So there they are.   With moves and transplanting, the labels have been lost.  If they bloom, I can identify them and re-label.    Time will tell.

The ones with some new growth have been in place for a few weeks.   The new growth is free of leaf spot.  I continue to remove remaining spotted leaves, as healthy new growth replaces them.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Bearded Iris Reboot (Yet again!). 4 Jul 24.

 I divided and planted the final large container of bearded irises.  In their new location, they will be easier to weed.  I'm mulching with a thick layer of shredded fir tree chips.

Tomorrow, I want to mulch the ones I just planted.

I think there might be four more remaining plants in the former iris bed.   There is barely room here but I think I can fit them in.  Then that bed will be fully decomissioned.

Cosmos, Marigolds, Zinnia Plants. 4 Jul 24.

 The plants are thriving.  There are a few flower buds on Marigolds and Cosmos.




Dahlia Update. 4 Jul 24.

 Here's an update on some of the dahlias.

First, the minis overwintered from last year.

Big ones that I overwintered.

I'll have to add the ones i grew from seeds later.  They are among the four o'clocks in the border.

All of the Other Geraniums, Update. 24 Jun 24.

 They are taking off and growing well.    Overwintering them is very rewarding.  They are much larger and fuller than new starts.

These as of 4 Jul.  All are in the border now, to be out of the way of the siding contractor.

Two of these were cuttings over the winter.  The third and largest was the original plant, three or four years old now.

Above is the parent plant.  I got the photos reversed.  Below is the other one I grew from a cutting.

Not much difference between the new plants from cuttings, and the original older one.

Here's a new one.  I forgot to photograph the new white one too.

I decided to take a few cuttings, event though I don't need more,  They are nice in the window.