Here is the hybrid hibiscus plant that I bought.
From the tag, I thought I was buying a yellow hibiscus with red flame edges. Oh well.
Here is the hybrid hibiscus plant that I bought.
From the tag, I thought I was buying a yellow hibiscus with red flame edges. Oh well.
Here is the clematis vine that was dug out by accident, because it looked dead (oops) then left to dry out for a day, then trimmed and potted on 12 April.
It has a vigorous main shoot now, and more new shoots emerging from the roots.
Here it was when I discovered the dug-up roots on 12 April.
Most of the flower seedlings still need a little growth before planting out.9
There are also some squashes and a couple of left-over peppers and a tomato there.
Zinnias, dwarf sunflowers, squashes.
I planted some of the portulacas among other plants and some in a patio bowl.
These are the second nasturtiums that I planted. I think the first were fodder for birds. Also in photo, marigolds and alpine strawberries
All in all, it might be a colorful year.
Here are the Ozark Beauty strawberry plants now. I bought them, bare root on Amazon, in early February.
I think the growth looks quite healthy and vigorous. I did give them a dose of Miracid fertilizer, because I read they need acid conditions. Growth might even be a bit too lush now. I'll just use water for a few weeks. They have been producing a few flower buds. I cut those off so the plants can concentrate on growing for now. The same for a couple of runners.
The weather has been cool and rainy, 60s during the day and 40s at night. I imagine warmer weather and more sun will stimulate growth even more.
Here they were when I planted them, 10 Feb 16. I wondered if they would grow. They did - every plant.
Here are the Alpine Strawberry seedlings now.
I think they look very good, exactly like others' photos. I read that germination is usually poor, erratic, and slow. That was not the case here. Also, I did not stratify. Maybe the seed seller did, I don't know.
I think they need to grow a little more before I plant them into individual cell packs.