Saturday, May 11, 2024

Up-Potting Mini Roses in a Group Container. 11 May 24

 With temperatures heading above 90 (Early May!), the small containers will dry out quickly and be harder to keep up with.  Also, the plants are big enough now, that they are top heavy.   I don't need so many individual plants.  So I opted to plant them in a large group pot.

This is the after photo.

I sat the potted rose plants in the partially filled container, to evaluate the fit.

The rose plants are very healthy, with healthy roots. The plants were not root bound yet.

I think they will do well in the group container.  There is a lot of root-room.  

I'm still not 100% certain of my identification of this rose as SunMaid Kordana.  There is no way to know for certain.   For example, Golden Aloha Kordana and Sunstar Kordana look similar, to my eyes.  Also, growing method, age of bloom, lighting wavelengths and intensity, affect the bloom.  I guess it doesn't matter, since I won't be propagating or selling any.  It is just for my own enjoyment.

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Caladium Starting to Grow. 7 May 24.

 I kept the planted caladium tubers on the seed starting mat.  Two of the three tubers are growing, plus an offshoot from one.  This one is the most vigorous so far.

Shallot Seedlings. 7 May 24.

 The shallot seeds have been germinating.  They are uneven because they got sloshed around in the rain.  Still plenty for a test of how they grow and will they be worth it in the future.

More Mini-Roses Blooming. SunMaid Kordana? 7 May 24

These are from the first pot of yellow Valentine's Day grocery store mini-roses that I bare-rooted, separated, planted individually in good potting soil, and have been watering with Schultz liquid house plant fertilizer per label instructions.

I've been taking them outside for full sun during the day, and inside to prevent too much chill, at night.  I actually think they would be fine outside 24/7 now, since the hybrid teas and English roses are in bud.

If I can find a good container to group at least three, maybe four of these, I'd like to do that soon.  The tall narrow pots sometimes fall over, and I don't care to have a total of five separate plants. 

This is from the same group, bloomed much earlier.  With time, the flower size enlarged very much and the yellow color became very pale.  Soon I will prune that flower stem back to a good looking, lower bud.

This plant has a new flower but from a base shoot, now, and another starting from a taller branch.

Planting Four O'clock, Morning Glory, and Bush Bean Seedlings Outside. 7 May 24.

 I planted most of the Four O'Clock seedlings and about half of the Morning Glory seedlings outside.  It was rainy all day and the soil was muddy.  I didn't want to wait any longer.  They looked like they were starting to suffer in their small containers, and more difficult to manage.

That purple label is next to a plant from overwintered Four O'Clock roots.  It's difficult to see due to the dark colored, small, leaves.

I also planted the only bush bean seedlings that grew earlier.  There are just two.  I'll start more.  I'd like to see how early I can start them.

I gave all of the seedlings a scattering of slug bait, too.