Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Alpine Strawberry Seedling Germination. 7 May 24.

 Some of the alpine strawberry seeds are germinating.  In my reading, I expected slower.  This is only a fraction of the seeds I planted, and it's quite uneven so far,  but it looks like plenty already.

I keep them on the warming mat at night, and in the bright light during the day.

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Up- Potting Over-Wintered Chive Seedling Pot 4 May 24.

 Last year I planted this container of chive seedlings some time last year.  It overwintered in the kitchen garden.  Now it's growing again.  I want to give them lots more room.

This is the before photo.

They looked pretty root bound.

Rather than tease the roots apart, I just sliced through the soil with a knife.

All of the roots seem to have reached outward, then wind around.  

I sliced it like a cake, into wedges.

Then planted in a much roomier container.

I don't think these will need much TLC.  They should do fine, until they overgrow this container too.

I find it much easier to grow chives in containers, than in-ground.  Much easier to keep weeds out.

Better Hummingbird Photos. 4 May 25

 I moved the feeder closer to the camera.  This camera also doubles as a front door cam, although that was not my intent.


Friday, May 03, 2024

Hummingbird Camera. 3 May 24

 Let's see if this uploads.

I converted the webcam bird feeder to watch hummingbirds.  I also set up the solar charger.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Caladiums Germinating. 30 Apr 24.

 I've never grown Caladiums.  Bought these tubers on a whim.  I planted them in small containers to germinate them, and kept them on the seed starting mat.

Growth points are starting to emerge.

Still a long way to go.  Caladiums are tropical, so they need a lot of warmth.  I'm keeping them in the sunroom.