Saturday, May 04, 2024

Up- Potting Over-Wintered Chive Seedling Pot 4 May 24.

 Last year I planted this container of chive seedlings some time last year.  It overwintered in the kitchen garden.  Now it's growing again.  I want to give them lots more room.

This is the before photo.

They looked pretty root bound.

Rather than tease the roots apart, I just sliced through the soil with a knife.

All of the roots seem to have reached outward, then wind around.  

I sliced it like a cake, into wedges.

Then planted in a much roomier container.

I don't think these will need much TLC.  They should do fine, until they overgrow this container too.

I find it much easier to grow chives in containers, than in-ground.  Much easier to keep weeds out.

Better Hummingbird Photos. 4 May 25

 I moved the feeder closer to the camera.  This camera also doubles as a front door cam, although that was not my intent.


Friday, May 03, 2024

Hummingbird Camera. 3 May 24

 Let's see if this uploads.

I converted the webcam bird feeder to watch hummingbirds.  I also set up the solar charger.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Caladiums Germinating. 30 Apr 24.

 I've never grown Caladiums.  Bought these tubers on a whim.  I planted them in small containers to germinate them, and kept them on the seed starting mat.

Growth points are starting to emerge.

Still a long way to go.  Caladiums are tropical, so they need a lot of warmth.  I'm keeping them in the sunroom.

Starting Alpine Strawberry Seeds. 30 Apr 24.

 Alpine strawberries are tiny, but so packed with flavor that they are worth the effort.  Or so I read.

I ordered some alpine strawberry seeds, and they came yesterday.  They are small, so need to be planted near the soil surface.

The instructions state they need 60F to 70F, and bright light, to germinate,  I'll keep them on the seed starting mat at night, and in the sunroom during the day.

It might be too late to start them, for a crop this year.  Assuming they grow.  But then they might be ready for next year.