Saturday, March 16, 2024

Schlumbergera Update. Seedlings and Up-potting One. 16 Mar 2024.

 Sclumbergeras tend to become top heavy with age, and fall over.  I don't think they need as large a pot as some plants the same size, but they eventually need up potting.  This one was grown from cuttings maybe three years ago.  Nice, unusual color.  I grew the original plant from cuttings many years ago, and took these when it became scraggly.

For the falling over problem, I think a heavy pot is needed.  I had one extra, so I used it.

The root mass looks pretty good.  No winding roots, but pretty dense.  I roughed it up just a little before potting.

As for the Schlubergera seedlings, they seem to be on a bit of a growth spurt.  They are making new pads at the apex and and the sides of the old pads.  Interesting.

I sat them all outside today, not in full sun except briefly.  Temp 72F.  To night they will come back inside for the expected low40s F.

Bare-root Repotting A Blooming Mini Rose. 16 Mar 2024

Today I repotted the second mini rose.  This was the one I bought partially crispy and wilted at Bi-Mart.  Clean-up, consistent watering, good light, trips outside, and dilute houseplant food brought it back.

Even the new flower colors  were better, dark red instead of mauve.

With the producer's peat & perlite medium still in the pot, it dried out and wilted too quickly.  That's my thought about all of these.  Warmer sunnier weather, and more growth, will make the problem more challenging to keep up with.  So I turned it out of the pot, to repot it.

The roots look very good.  Not really over-crowded, and not root bound.   I knocked off as much soil as I could without causing too much root damage, pulled the three plants here apart, and washed off the medium by swirling in a basin of water.

Not letting them dry out, I immediately potted them in my usual good quality potting soil that manages water very well and lasts for a number of years.  Then watered it in.  This was a somewhat larger container, maybe 100% more soil holding capacity.

I will leave the flowers on.  I think the root damage was very minimal, and the effect of improved soil is almost immediate.  They'll get pampered for a week.  Probably more.

The leaf edges have a slight sunburn, from leaving them out earlier this week.  I'm impressed that they held their dark red color.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Planting Dahlia Seeds. 15 March 2024

 Here are the dahlia seeds that I planted today.  Size and appearance reminds me of zinnia seeds.  I used regular potting soil, and re-usable eight-packs from last year.

Those are dwarf sized dahlia varieties, although possibly not as dwarf as the two that I bought at Winco last year.  Also, I stored those dry in their containers over the winter.  I'll wait a month to see if they have viable-looking tubers.

The portulaca is for later.  Maybe tomorrow.

Daffmobile. Daffodils in Containers. 15 Mar 2024.

 Here are some of the bulbs I planted last fall in containers.

They grew a bit uneven.  There appear to be lots more bulbs to bloom.

There is some slug damage.  I gave them all slug bait today.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Planting a Few Lily Bulbs. 12 Mar 2024

 I planted a few lily bulbs in a somewhat derelict half wine barrel.

I bought these in January, thinking the bulbs would keep better in my chilly garage than in the dry warmer store.  

I think I was right.  Even though growth was about an inch, it looked plump and healthy.

In my garden, lilies don't survive being planted in the earth.  They disappear.  They do fine in containers.  I think it's the underground fauna eating them.