Sclumbergeras tend to become top heavy with age, and fall over. I don't think they need as large a pot as some plants the same size, but they eventually need up potting. This one was grown from cuttings maybe three years ago. Nice, unusual color. I grew the original plant from cuttings many years ago, and took these when it became scraggly.
For the falling over problem, I think a heavy pot is needed. I had one extra, so I used it.
The root mass looks pretty good. No winding roots, but pretty dense. I roughed it up just a little before potting.
As for the Schlubergera seedlings, they seem to be on a bit of a growth spurt. They are making new pads at the apex and and the sides of the old pads. Interesting.
I sat them all outside today, not in full sun except briefly. Temp 72F. To night they will come back inside for the expected low40s F.