Not a live cam, just photo updates.
Lattarula. Not only are the early summer ("Breba") figs continuing to grow, but buds are growing for the fall ("Main Crop") figs. I counted about 50 figs on this tree.
Yes those sneaky, evil, mean, ravenous yellow jackets have been sending out scouts. Back at the nest, the platoon is asking ("Where are Bob, and Steve, and Fernando? They've been gone to two days"). Maybe I should put out more traps. I don't like killing things, but yellow jackets are vicious and not only have stung me but also Rufus. And they occupy and destroy every fig on the tree, if not trapped first.
Petite aubique. Or as I call Monsieur Heartbreak" because he promises the most tasty, delicious figs, then they all too often ripen too late and become moldy during fall rains. Will Monsieur Heartbreak break my heart again this year?