Sunday, June 19, 2022

Potato Flowers. 6.19.22

 The Red potatoes from Safeway are blooming.

So are the Envol, a white early potato.

Dwarf Tomatoes, Tying Them To Support Stakes. 6.19.22

The dwarf tomatoes are growing beautifully, with dark green, thick, lush, rugose leaves.   Some of the plants were leaning over so I put in stakes (willow poles) and tied them up.  The names are in the photos.  

Pawpaws, Grapes, Persimmon Buds. 6.19.22

 Some of the shorter grape vines are being eaten off by deer. The taller ones that I renovated are doing very well this year.  This is Buffalo - a dark purple grape with flavor like Concord, that ripens well here.

A few of the pawpaw flowers that I cross pollinated, "took".  Like certain fig varieties, Pawpaws like to fool you and make you think they will bear, then they all fall off.  Still, these are the first clusters in a few years. 

This one is the variety "Mango", which has never borne fruit for me before.

This was the variety "Sunflower", but it died to the roots.  Then the rootstock grew snd this year it bloomed.

This is the variety "NC-1".  I think two flowers each may have one fruit each, if they grow.

This is the NC-1 tree, which is really more of a bush (the others are also bushy). I don't think pawpaws usually do well here.  The tops of most of mine died in a few years, then new ones grew from the roots.  I think they might be better grown as large bushes, on their own roots and sending up new shoots to replace ones that die off.

The persimmons have lots of flower buds now.  That probably means a good crop this year.

Flowers. 6.19.22


Itoh Peony.  This was one I moved last sinter into the meditation garden.

Annual Shirley Poppies.  These are self-sow from poppies I grew last year or two years ago.

Alstroemerias.  I planted these from divisions, last year.

Sisyrichium - kind of an odd plant.  


Fig Update. Yellow Jacket Traps. 6.19.22

 Some of the figs are starting to swell, especially Desert King, Lattarula, and Brunswick.  I installed three yellow jacket traps.  Yellow jackets tunnel through the figs at about the moment they ripen, so when you pick a fig, you get a ball of angry yellow jackets.  They are voracious and destroy the entire crop, leaving nothing.

So far I haven't seen any, but not taking any  chances.

These are on Desert King.

These are on Lattarula.

These are on Brunswick.

If those Brunswick figs stay on the tree and ripen, it would be one of the best crops of that variety tbat I have had.  They are really good, too, and the largest of my fig varieties.