Thursday, May 12, 2022

Squash Seedlings. Home Saved Seeds Germinate Faster. 5.12.22

 Of the squash seeds that I planted, the home seeds are all showing germination.  That is Galeux, Fordhook, Red Kuri, and Costata.  None of the purchased seeds are up yet although some seem to be swelling a bit.


I don't know why the home-saved seeds would germinate faster.  I've also noticed that with tomatoes.  To hazard a guess, maybe I let the fruits ripen completely on the vine before saving seeds, while sellers might use less fully ripe ones?  Or maybe their storage is different in some way.  Mine are dry, in paper envelopes, in cool pantry.

I think the bought ones should still germinate.  They just seems to take longer.  Last year, my own Pink Banana Squash germinated in a week, but new bought ones needed two or three weeks.

Making Eggshell Soil Supplement. 5.12.22

 My soil test indicated low soil calcium.  Lime is a perfectly good calcium supplement, as is good wood ash.  So is ground eggshell.

I dry the eggshells until ready to grind up.   I store them in an open container so they dry quickly and done become gross.  I used to crush them in my hands but the food processor does a better job.  I don't know if they will dull the blade over time.  I have t noticed any issues.

I scatter the ground eggshell and, when the soil is cultivated, it disappears into the soil.  The main mineral in eggshell is calcium and a fair amount of phosphorus, but they also contain small to trace amounts of  magnesium, sodium, aluminum, boron, copper, manganese, iron, potassium, sulfur, and zinc.   Eggshells are 5% protein, so there is a fair amount of nitrogen as well.  Research varies as to the pH altering effects..  I think that is due to, the eggshells are slower release than lime so the effect is spread out over a longer time.

Considering the high cost of things, it seems like it's a good idea to make use of the eggshells' nutritional benefits rather than disposing of them in landfill where they serve no purpose.  Combined with coffee grounds and bone ash, this is a replacement for much of the fertilizer needs of my vegetable garden.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Rufus Had A Spa Day. 5.11.22

 Rufus has been panting more, which I take for being too warm.  So I gave him a haircut and a bath.

He KNOWS what's about to happen.  Even though he really doesn't like the face and paw parts, he jumps onto the table anyway.  I use mix of scissors and clippers depending on how sensitive an area is and how evenly I want it cut.  Then he gets a good bath, which he likes a lot.

After.  There's that handsome boy!

Not as nice a cut as a professional groomer, but a lot less stress for him and for me.

Lilacs, Again. 5.11.22

 I can't believe how big these lilacs grew.  Of course, they are at least fifteen years old.  They survived a big move from the Vancouver house the the Battleground house, about six years ago.  That set them back but they are doing better now.

Installing Drip Irrigation For Raised Beds And Container Planter. 5.12.2022

 Today I completed the drip irrigation installation for the new container planter.  Since there are ten nearly round, 25 gallon containers, I made round loops from 1/4 inch tubing which had four emitters.  The ones for the potatoes had 7 emitters, because they will need to soak more deeply.

I might add a length with another emitter or two depending on my observations but this seems good so far.

For the tomato (Johnson Dwarf Cherry), I also covered with kraft paper to reduce fungal disease risk.  The paper covers the emitters.

The drips work nicely.  Over about an hour, the contents of the containers are fully watered.

Then I checked the soaker hoses for the garlic bed.  They worked fine, so I put them under the kraft paper mulch.  I can't believe how big the garlic plants have grown.  The variety is "Music", and I grow them from the biggest bulbs from the previous year's crop.  

Then I checked the soaker hoses for the onion bed.  They work fine.  I cultivated between rows and intend to lay a kraft paper mulch soon.

So that's drip irrigation installed for three of the six raised beds, and the main lines in for the remaining three.  Almost ready for summer.

Edit:  Here is what the drip irrigation system looks like for the container planter.