Sunday, April 10, 2022

Growing Ginger From A Grocery Ginger Root. 4.10.22

During the Winter I cut a swelling bud from a grocery store ginger root. I planted it in seed starting medium.  Last week I transplanted it into potting soil.  Growth is pretty nice so far.  Each leaf is larger than the last.

I think this will always be in a container.  Ginger is tropical.  From what I read, we might have usable ginger by late fall.

Transplanting A Climbing Rose that I Grew from a Cutting Last Year. 4.10.22

Last year I started this climbing rose from a dormant pruning.    I didn't expect it to grow so well.  It was in a bad location so I moved it.  Since we are still in early Spring, I think it should settle in OK.

This rose is a pink-ish color, sort of peachy.  I don't know the name.  I pruned back about half of the top growth, to compensate for root loss.

Seedlings. Four O'Clocks, Extreme Bush Tomato, and Salpiglossis. 4.10.22.

 The Four O'Clocks are germinating quickly on the seedling mat.  I don't think it's necessary to pre-sprout them although maybe the overnight soak help was helpful.

The Extreme Bush tomatoes germinated but not the eggplants,  so far.

The Salpiglossis are starting to grow.  The seeds were tiny, like dust, so I sprinkled them on top of the seed starting medium and pressed them into the soil.  Supposedly they require light so I had them in the sunroom instead of on the warming mat.

Baby Chickens. 4.10.22

We've had these a few weeks.   So far they are healthy and growing quickly.

Sweet Cherries In Bloom. 4.10.22

 Last fall I pruned these sweet cherry trees pretty severely.  I wondered if they would bloom as well this year.  They look great!  Barring a  bad weather event, I think they will have a heavy crop with lots of sweet cherries to eat fresh, to share,  and to can.

One is Ranier and the other is Bing.  I planted them about ten or fifteen years ago.