Saturday, March 15, 2025

Tomato Seeds Planted. 15 March 2025.

 Today I planted these tomato seeds.  Except one variety (Supersweet 100) they are mostly fairly old, from my seed stash.  Most are dwarf or compact.  I hope they all germinate.  Some are seeds I've saved.

After trying many varieties of cherry tomatoes, I continue to have the most success with Supersweet-100, and like its flavor the best.  By far.  It's too vigorous, but I will grow it anyway.

A Batik Quilt. 15 March 2025.

I made this as a gift for a friend.  I asked for her to choose the block style that she liked, and select the color choices from  my pile of batiks.

Two More David Austin Roses. 15 March 2025

 I added Munstead Wood and Desdemona because they are described as among the most fragrant.  This is a week after I received them and planted in containers.  I kept them on the North side of a shed until this week, so the already existing buds would not sunburn.

I also pruned and replanted Vanessa Bell and Silas Marner into moveable containers, so I can situate them better and take better care of them.

Resuming Blog. Quilt completed Jan 2025.

 I haven't been able to post during the past couple of months.  I'd like to continue the garden diary.  We'll-see how it goes.

The spam bot comments have bern overwhelming,  Even though I appreciate comments, it's too much to moderate this form of automated pollution.  So, I have turned off the comments.

Image is a quilt I completed in January.  The fabrics were scraps that I didn't care for.  I think it tirned out OK anyway.