Currently, figs are ripening. During September, Hardy Chicago was very productive, with a few dozen figs. Now it's Petite Negri. Vancouver has a few, but they are getting moldy before they ripen. That did not happen before. Lattarula has a few - the first year ever! They are sweet, also seem to mold slightly on the outside when ripe, but not enough to matter.
I dried some figs, as well as some grapes. They taste so much better when grown at home and dried in a food dehydrator! I had no idea.
Many grapes remain, after eating many pounds of grapes. This has been a productive year for grapes as well.
Lots of apples now. They are pretty much all ripening.
A bedroom (actually junk-room) on the southwest corner of the house will become my home office and plant room. And guest bedroom. It will have a futon/sofa, a desk, and some plant stands in the windows. I added a western window; there is already a large south facing window. I took some photos but the current computer room is too cluttered for me work with them, so they'll have to be added later. I tore out the carpet last year. The floor was badly damaged and had a large plywood patch. I replaced the patch with oak flooring taken from a closet (that is being cannabilized for a bathroom), so it is authentic to the house. I sanded off the remaining finish from the floor, and now have given it 2 coats of polyurethane. It may need a third coat. Then new baseboard, paint the walls. It has a new light fixture already.
Then I can have the cacti and other plants in the south window. I'm trying some orchids, they can go in the shaded west window.
I planted about 100 daffodils and about 100 tulips. They'll help cheer up the winter, when they start poking through the ground in Feb and March.

Daffodils included:

I also decided to try, once again, to grow some Lycoris.

These have a different growth pattern, I think but the labels are contradictory.

That's about all for now. I hope to get this blog going better once the home office is completed.