Saturday, March 15, 2025

Tomato Seeds Planted. 15 March 2025.

 Today I planted these tomato seeds.  Except one variety (Supersweet 100) they are mostly fairly old, from my seed stash.  Most are dwarf or compact.  I hope they all germinate.  Some are seeds I've saved.

After trying many varieties of cherry tomatoes, I continue to have the most success with Supersweet-100, and like its flavor the best.  By far.  It's too vigorous, but I will grow it anyway.

A Batik Quilt. 15 March 2025.

I made this as a gift for a friend.  I asked for her to choose the block style that she liked, and select the color choices from  my pile of batiks.

Two More David Austin Roses. 15 March 2025

 I added Munstead Wood and Desdemona because they are described as among the most fragrant.  This is a week after I received them and planted in containers.  I kept them on the North side of a shed until this week, so the already existing buds would not sunburn.

I also pruned and replanted Vanessa Bell and Silas Marner into moveable containers, so I can situate them better and take better care of them.

Resuming Blog. Quilt completed Jan 2025.

 I haven't been able to post during the past couple of months.  I'd like to continue the garden diary.  We'll-see how it goes.

The spam bot comments have bern overwhelming,  Even though I appreciate comments, it's too much to moderate this form of automated pollution.  So, I have turned off the comments.

Image is a quilt I completed in January.  The fabrics were scraps that I didn't care for.  I think it tirned out OK anyway.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Moving Lavender, Sage, and Rosemary Cuttings Outside. 30 Dec 24.

These are the lavender plants I started from cuttings last summer, plus one that was broken off from a 24 year old plant during cleaning up, plus one bought this fall at Winco (Godwin Creek Grey), and a French lavender that I potted to compare survival with one kept outside all winter.  

I decided to start keeping them outside, as long as the weather stays above freezing.  They are probably OK with that too, but being in containers might be less hardy.  They are drying out too fast in the sunroom, so being outside in cool and rain might also be better.

Spanish Lavender.  Also culinary sage cuttings that I took last summer.  They are doing great too.

Godwin Creek Grey, and the rescued TLC start.

The French Lavender.  Also, the Hesperaloe that I'm overwintering to plant in Spring.

The Rosemary starts.  I also rooted these cuttings last summer.