Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Tomato and Herb Seedlings Emerging. 3.8.22

It's three days now. So far, about half of the tomato varieties emerged overnight. The oregano and thyme seedlings are up. I need to be more careful to plant them more thinly. They are like dust, so tiny, but they grow fast. Basil seeds have germinated. Ratibida seedlings are up. I see signs of life in the carnation and chive six-packs too.
Off from this topic heading, yesterday I completed one long side of the container raised bed made from weathered cedar planks. It's a lot of work but coming along OK. I'd say it's about 1/3 completed. Thursday's weather prediction is for freeze down to 26F. It will be interesting to see if that affects the snap pea and other seedlings.


  1. You are doing a lot of work with the seeds, etc. More ambition than I have! The gardens here are pretty much "stuffed" with perennials, only small spaces left for annuals that I cheat and buy at the area green house.

    1. Thank you! Some of what looks like ambition is, I'm too frugal to buy perennials as potted plants, so I grow them from seeds. This is a bigger year for them due to change in the layout of that part of the yard. Once they establish, I don't think I'll grow so many from seeds

      Seeds are like magic. Tiny things, but when they grow they can do so much!

      You have beautiful gardens. So impressive!

  2. I envy you your warmer climate.

    1. Joan, I do push the envelope on how early I can plant things. I hope you have a nice garden this year!
      I wonder how peas would do in your garden. The coolness seems ideal for them.
