Sunday, March 13, 2022

Starting More Seedlings. Puttering Outdoors. 3.13.22

 Here are the seeds I planted in six packs today.  The tomatoes are for my neighbor and friend.

It rained so I didn't do a lot outdoors today.  I did dig up some chunks from an old horseradish clump and re-plant them in the "deer park hell strip" where I've been establishing an herb and wildflower border.  I also moved a somewhat tattered Hellebore plant there.  The soil was very wet and heavy, so I stopped there.

Somewhere I read that farmers have plowed up horseradish to try to get rid of them, and all of the plowed pieces took hold and grew.  So even though my digging sliced of most of the main root, maybe these will be OK.  No photos, it was raining.

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