Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Radical Pruning of a Fig Tree. 3.15.22

 Here is the Hardy Chicago fig tree I grew from a cutting about 15 years ago.   There was a lot of freeze kill this winter.  There was the previous winter too, but I never got around to pruning it off.  I was going to remove the tree, but last summer it was quite productive and these are quite delicious figs.

Such a large fruit tree becomes impossible to manage.  I decided to do a radical pruning this time.   I last did that about five years ago, but this time is radicaler.  ðŸ˜€



Well, that's a major pruning job.  Now the branches are all easily within reach for doing maintenance chores and for picking figs.  Fig trees have an amazing capacity for regeneration.  I cut one down to a foot tall, just trunk, and it grew back like crazy.  The challenge is, will it produce fruit this year?  Maybe, maybe not.  Hardy Chicago bears on new growth, so it's possible.  There's also a trick, when new growth is 6 leaves of stem, cut off the new shoots' growing tips.  That often results in the tree producing figs at each leaf axil.  

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