Sunday, March 06, 2022

Planting Some Wildflower Perennial Seedlings Outside. 3.6.22

These are still small, so they need protecting. Still, getting them into the soil frees up room on my plant stand for tomato seedlings or whatever, and they are less likely to get neglected and dry out because I moved them to a less intense spot. These were outside during a recent freeze. The six-packs froze solid, but on thawing out, the plants were unfazed. Also the Rudbeckia that I planted in a raised bed a week or so ago endured fhw same freeze, amd actually look a bit more vigorous than the ones that are still in their six packs. Some Coreposis and Echinacea seedlings. I also stuck a lone Gallardia into a spot into the raised bed.
These are small, so they need protection similar tomthe onion seedlings. It's nice to have them in the ground. If I'm up to it, more will follow tomorrow.

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