Sunday, March 13, 2022

Seedling Puttering. Tomatoes and Peppers. 3.13.22.

 Today I thinned the tomato seedlings to one plant per cell.

The fourth six pack is basil, which I thinned to a few plants per cell.

I also up-potted the first tabasco and Thai pepper seedlings into larger silicone six packs.  I'm not crazy about those, the silicone is too floppy.  I bought them because after using and washing them, they can be sterilized in the dishwasher.  If the six pack is kept on a tray, it might be OK.

I'm hesitant to use the potting soil.  It is Miracle Gro branded I bought on Amazon.  The last plants I up-potted in it were carnations.  They got some kind of root rot and died in a few days.  But that might be because I used plastic pots from the shed, snd didn't clean them well.  I will see how these do.  Usually, when I start peppers they look kind of puny and weak, then I up pot them and they start to grow much better.  Given the unknowns, these are kind of an experiment.

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