Monday, September 23, 2024

More Lavender Air-Layers, & Update, Severe Pruning Result. 23 Sept 24.

 There were some really old lavender plants that had been overwhelmed by thistles.  I had read that lavender won't survive a hard pruning to woody stems, so just pruned the scraggly plants to their bases to get rid of them, when I cleaned up the thistles in August.

Those Lavender plants made a come back and continue to grow.

I noted that two stems still had about six or nine inches of woody stem.  Those are growing too.  Both have a severe right angle.  I decided to try air layering these stems to make new plants.

I want to layer them in containers.  It seems more convenient.  With the shape of stem, I need to insert the stem through the low end of the side of the containers, so I cut holes.

Then I trimmed growth from the part of the stem that will be buried.  I scraped bark to expose cambium.

I used a Q-tip to apply Dip-n-Gro to the stem, especially the exposed cambium.  Then inserted the stem through the hole.

Then filled with moist potting soil, firmed it, and watered in.  I did that with both of the longer stems.

They will just sit there by the parent plant until Spring.  By then I hope they will be rooted and ready to grow on their own.

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