Thursday, May 30, 2024

Ozark Beauty Strawberry Plants In Containers. 30 May 24.

 Here are the Ozark Beauty strawberry plants now.   I bought them, bare root on Amazon, in early February.

I think the growth looks quite healthy and vigorous.  I did give them a dose of Miracid fertilizer, because I read they need acid conditions.  Growth might even be a bit too lush now.  I'll just use water for a few weeks.  They have been producing a few flower buds.  I cut those off so the plants can concentrate on growing for now.  The same for a couple of runners.

The weather has been cool and rainy, 60s during the day and 40s at night.  I imagine warmer weather and more sun will stimulate growth even more.

Here they were when I planted them, 10 Feb 16.  I wondered if they would grow.  They did - every plant.

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